Rocky Mountain Regulatory Affairs Society
Rocky Mountain Regulatory Affairs Society

Employment Opportunities - Open Positions

To post your positions, contact Nan Matthews at  303-843-6414


Cost is $100 per posting.  Please provide postings in PDF format to ensure your formatting is maintained.  Positions will be posted for 60 days.  Open positions will also be communicated by email to members. 


Regulatory Affairs Specialist - Part Time
Regulatory Affairs Specialist-Medical De[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [141.2 KB]

Seeking Employment

 September 27, 2024

I am seeking a Sr. Specialist, Supervisor, or Manager role related to Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, or Training and Development. 

Val Childress Resume
Adobe Acrobat document [119.7 KB]

Send your resume to and indicate the position you are seeking. There is no charge for posting resumes. Resumes will be posted for 90 days. 

Contact Us

Rocky Mountain Regulatory Affairs Society


Phone: +1 (303) .843-6414


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